Dr Carolyn John BSc; PhD; MSc; C.Psychol; AFBPsS
Medico-Legal Expert Witness services

High quality, effective and timely reports - civil and criminal
Since 1990 I have been providing high quality, effective and timely independent reports and statements for the Courts in Forensic Assessments initiated by both the prosecution and defence, and for Personal Injury and Medical Negligence cases. These may be as Party Appointed Expert (PAE) or Single Joint Expert (SJE) under instructions from the representatives of either the claimant or the defendant.
My reports are fully compliant with the requirements of the Civil Procedure Rules and Practice Directions for Expert Witnesses. I am experienced in giving oral evidence in court and I understand the relevant law and procedures in undertaking the role of Expert in civil and criminal proceedings.
Assessments of the psychological effects of:
clinical negligence
industrial and workplace injury,
personal injury, road traffic accidents,
disability, pain and disfigurement
Assessments of:
cognitive functioning - intellectual capacity
mental capacity
mental health.
Assessments in person and remotely via Zoom
Please continue to send your instructions and documents for review by email or post. I will prepare timely estimates for both directly funded and legally-aided cases.