Dr Carolyn John BSc; PhD; MSc; C.Psychol; AFBPsS
Professional Roles

Co-director of Psynapse (psychological services) Ltd, clinical psychologists in independent practice since 1990. Providing medico-legal, forensic and cognitive assessments, and therapy and counselling with children, adults, couples and organisations.
1989 to 1992: Lecturer in Clinical Psychology, University of Newcastle upon Tyne
1992 to 1996: Consultant Clinical Psychologist in Adult Mental Health, Cleveland Psychology and Counselling Agency, NHS.
1996-2003: Head of Adult Mental Health Psychology, South Tyneside NHS Trust.
2003-2020 Consultant Clinical Psychologist and Trust-Wide Lead of Secondary Adult Mental Health Psychological Services, Cumbria, Northumbria Tyne and Wear NHS Trust.
Honorary Lecturer and research supervisor in Psychology, Durham University, from 1992 to 2010
Associate teacher and Supervisor in Clinical Psychology, Newcastle University, From November 1995
Tutor and examiner for the Diploma in CBT, Durham University and Newcastle CBT Centre 1997-2010
Examiner for the national Statement of Equivalence in Clinical Psychology, BPS Division of Clinical Psychology from 1992
Approved Clinician under the Mental Health Act to 2021